Alex & Tyler

i imagine one of the coolest things about having a family member or good friend that is a photographer is free impromptu photo sessions…. the drawback? waiting an indefinite amount…

kristin & juan

sometimes i blog slow…sometimes i blog quick… this is a throwback blog. going all the way back to november when i shot with my friend todd laffler at the heldrich…

snowfall and doggies

animals, just because
before a foot of snow fell on us, kimbo and i took a trot out to the trail… love this! smiling… not bad for 16, huh? the neighbor dogs, daisy…

shooting italians in nyc

  ok… so maybe it isn’t as gangster as it sounds, but i really did shoot italians in nyc. valeria and cristina left italy to visit nyc for a week.…

zuzanna & colin

zuzanna and colin were married on a beautiful, brisk november day at the round hill house in washingtonville, ny… i can’t read polish, but i imagine this says something sweet……

charlotte & andrew

i met up with charlotte and andrew on a lovely november day in nyc…. i love that we were still able to capture some fall foilage… too cute… smile kid!…

shannon & mike | congress hall | wedding

shannon and mike were married in beautiful cape may where they had their ceremony and reception at congress hall…     loved the blue walls…   so pretty…   shannon’s…

bennie and the jets- the tribute

dear ben, i’ve been writing this letter in my head for quite some time. i still don’t know how it goes. how do i venture to acquaint the world with…

robin & andrew

i met up with robin and andrew in ridgewood where they went on their first date… awww…. love this… you might notice ‘crumbs’ bakery in the background… perfect segue for…